Wednesday, September 23, 2009

History of Photography

On Monday, our Introduction to Digital Media Class received a lecture on the history of photography. This lecture was especially interesting because the most I know about developing pictures is loading them onto the computer and then sending them to CVS to have them print them out. I had no idea how many different kinds of processes existed t
o develop and take pictures. Apart from the images themselves, the processes take on their own kind of art-form that can be manipulated to the artists imagination.
One of the processes that we discussed during class was the Bromoil Process. The Bromoil Process is when a normally developed print on silver bromide paper is chemically bleached and hardened. The gelatin with the darkest tones are then hardened the most and the highlights are absorbed into the paper. This kind of process was popular among the pictorialists in the early twentieth century even though the technique usually left
the picture rather fuzzy or out of focus.
Although these techniques were most commonly used a long time ago, you can still find people using any of these old processes today to make their pictures one of a kind. Thom Harrel is a photographer that still uses the Bromoil process in his art and this is and example of his work. His webiste can be found here:

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Self-Portrait Project

Taken 9/11/09

This is one of my pictures for my self-portrait project in my Introduction to Digital Media class at the University of Delaware.
This picture may look like I am just having a bad hair day, but to me it means something more. My hair represents the struggles and challenges that have faced me personally. That although I have been put through a lot, I look through with perseverance and even though bad things happen, it does not change me as a person. I will always be me no matter what happens and I will not let anything change my outlook on life. My morals and my values will stay with me regardless of how things change around me.
I have always been a fan of photography and admire photos that have a deeper meaning than they first appear. This is really my first week ever attempting to take a serious picture but I really hope to improve throughout this year.